Performing a Redefine World
RHESSys allows the user to redefine the state of the world. This may be useful if, for instance, the user wants to add a new development or other land use scenario in the middle of their RHESSys simulation. When creating a template file for redefining the world, the user can specify which parameters they want to change and which parameters they want to keep from the current state of the world. When using grass2world to generate an input file for a world redefinition (redefine_world) TEC event, the same basic organization of the template file is used. In this case, however, the header and description of state variables for all levels is omitted. grass2world must be run with the -nh option to prevent input of header information from template file. You'll notice that the sample redefine world template file contains values of -9999 for certain parameters. These -9999s tell RHESSys to keep the values from the current world state. Note that the resulting worldfile, in this case, must be renamed with a ".date" extension, where date is the date on which the redefine_world is executed. (i.e. This must be the same date as used in the TEC file for the redefine_world event. Prefix must be the same as the worldfile name. The format for date extension is as follows
For example, to redefine the worldfile on January 1st, 1964 at 1:00am, the worldfile would be named
Single digit values must be used for all months, days and hours less than 10 (i.e 1 not 01).
Note: When running more than one redefinition, i.e. world, roads, the date extension on both the new worldfile and new flowtable must be different. i.e. hja.flowtable.Y1964M1D16H2