Output Files
From Rhessys
- 1 Basin Daily
- 2 Basin Daily Growth
- 3 Basin Monthly
- 4 Basin Yearly
- 5 Basin Yearly Growth
- 6 Hillslope Daily
- 7 Hillslope Daily Growth
- 8 Hillslope Monthly
- 9 Hillslope Yearly
- 10 Zone Daily
- 11 Zone Monthly
- 12 Patch Daily
- 13 Patch Daily Growth
- 14 Patch Monthly
- 15 Patch Yearly
- 16 Patch Yearly Growth
- 17 Stratum Daily
- 18 Stratum Daily Growth
- 19 Stratum Monthly
- 20 Stratum Yearly
Basin Daily
Basin Daily Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Day | |||
2 | Month | |||
3 | Year | |||
4 | Basin ID | |||
5 | Rain Throughfall | mm | pot_surface_infil | |
6 | Snow Throughfall | mm | snow_thr | |
7 | Saturation Deficit-depth | mm of depth | sat_def_z | |
8 | Saturation Deficit-volume | mm of water | sat_def | |
8 | Rooting Zone Storage | mm of water | rz_storage | |
9 | Unsaturated Storage | mm | unsat_stor | |
10 | Unsaturated Drainage | mm | unsat_drain | |
11 | Capillary Rise | mm | cap | |
12 | Evaporation | mm | evap | |
13 | Snowpack Depth | mm | snow | |
14 | Transpiration | mm | trans | |
15 | Baseflow | mm | baseflow | |
20 | Return Flow | mm | return | |
17 | Total Stream Outflow | mm | streamflow | |
18 | Net Photosynthesis | kgC/m2 | psn | |
19 | Leaf Area Index | m2/m2 | lai | |
20 | Groundwater Output | mm | gw.Qout | |
21 | Groundwater Nitrate Output | mm | gw.Nout | |
22 | Groundwater Store | mm | gw.storage | rhessys5.10.5 |
23 | Groundwater Nitrate Store | mm | gw.NO3 | rhessys5.10.5 |
24 | Detention Store | mm | detention_store | rhessys5.10.10 |
25 | Percent Saturated Area | m2/m2 | %sat_area | rhessys5.10.10 |
26 | Litter Store | m2/m2 | litter_store | rhessys5.10.12 |
27 | Percent Snow Cover | m2/m2 | %snow_cover | rhessys5.10.12 |
Basin Daily Growth
Basin Daily Growth Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Day | |||
2 | Month | |||
3 | Year | |||
4 | Basin ID | |||
5 | Gross Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | gpsn | |
6 | Plant Maintenance Respiration | mC/m2 | plant_resp | |
7 | Soil Respiration | gC/m2/day | soil_resp | rhessys5.10.11 |
8 | Nitrate N | gN/m2 | nitrate | |
9 | Mineralized N | gN/m2 | sminn | |
10 | Plant C | kgC/m2 | plantc | |
11 | Plant N | kgN/m2 | plantn | |
12 | Litter C | kgC/m2 | litrc | |
13 | Litter N | kgN/m2 | litrn | |
14 | Soil C | kgC/m2 | soilc | |
15 | Soil N | kgN/m2 | soiln | |
16 | Streamflow Nitrate | gN/m2/day | streamflow_NO3 | |
17 | Denitrification | gN/m2/day | denitrif | |
18 | Nitrification | gN/m2/day | nitrif | |
19 | Dissolved Organic Carbon loss | gC/m2/day | DOC | |
20 | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen loss | gN/m2/day | DON |
Basin Monthly
Basin Monthly Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version |
1 | Month | ||
2 | Year | ||
3 | Basin ID | ||
4 | Total Stream Outflow | mm | streamflow |
5 | Nitrate to Stream | gN/m2 | streamflow_NO3 |
6 | Denitrification | gN/m2 | denitrif |
7 | Dissolved Organic Carbon loss | gC/m2 | DOC |
8 | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen loss | gN/m2 | DON |
9 | Evapotranspiration | mm/m2 | et |
10 | Net Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | psn |
11 | Leaf Area Index | m2/m2 | lai |
12 | Nitrification | gN/m2 | nitrif |
13 | Mineralized Nitrate | gN/m2 | mineralized |
14 | Vegetation Nitrogen Uptake | gN/m2 | uptake |
Basin Yearly
Basin Yearly Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version |
1 | Year | ||
2 | Basin ID | ||
3 | Total Stream Outflow | mm | streamflow |
4 | Nitrate to Stream | gN/m2 | streamflow_NO3 |
5 | Denitrification | gN/m2 | denitrif |
6 | Dissolved Organic Carbon loss | gC/m2 | DOC |
7 | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen loss | gN/m2 | DON |
8 | Evapotranspiration | mm/m2 | et |
9 | Net Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | psn |
10 | Average Leaf Area Index | m2/m2 | lai |
11 | Nitrification | gN/m2 | nitrif |
12 | Mineralized N | gN/m2 | mineralized |
13 | Vegetation Uptake | gN/m2 | uptake |
14 | Number Threshold | ? | num_thresh |
Basin Yearly Growth
Basin Yearly Growth Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Year | rhessys5.10.5 | ||
2 | Basin ID | rhessys5.10.5 | ||
3 | Gross Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | gpsn | rhessys5.10.5 |
4 | Plant Respiration | mC/m2 | plantresp | rhessys5.10.5 |
5 | New Carbon | mC/m2 | newC | rhessys5.10.5 |
6 | ?Soilhr? | ?? | soilhr | rhessys5.10.5 |
7 | ?Streamflow Nitrate? | ?? | strN | rhessys5.10.5 |
8 | Denitrification | gN/m2 | denitrif | rhessys5.10.5 |
Hillslope Daily
Hillslope Daily Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Day | |||
2 | Month | |||
3 | Year | |||
4 | Basin ID | |||
5 | Hillslope ID | |||
6 | Rain Throughfall | mm | rain_thr | |
7 | Snow Throughfall | mm | snow_thr | |
8 | Saturation Deficit | mm of depth | sat_def_z | |
9 | Saturation Deficit | mm of water | sat_def | |
10 | Unsaturated Storage | mm | unsat_stor | |
11 | Unsaturated Drainage | mm | unsat_drain | |
12 | Capillary Rise | mm | cap | |
13 | Evaporation | mm | evap | |
14 | Snowpack Depth | mm | snow | |
15 | Transpiration | mm | trans | |
16 | Baseflow | mm | baseflow | |
17 | Return Flow | mm | return | |
18 | Total Stream Outflow | mm | streamflow | |
19 | Net Photosynthesis | kgC/m2 | psn | |
20 | Leaf Area Index | m2/m2 | lai | |
21 | Groundwater Output | mm | gw.Qout | rhessys5.10.5 |
22 | Groundwater Nitrate Output | mm | gw.Nout | rhessys5.10.5 |
23 | Groundwater Store | mm | gw.storage | rhessys5.10.5 |
24 | Groundwater Nitrate Store | mm | gw.N03 | rhessys5.10.5 |
Hillslope Daily Growth
Hillslope Daily Growth Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version |
1 | Day | ||
2 | Month | ||
3 | Year | ||
4 | Basin ID | ||
5 | Hillslope ID | ||
6 | Gross Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | gpsn |
7 | Maint Respiration | mC/m2 | resp |
8 | Nitrate N | gN/m2 | nitrate |
9 | Mineralized N | gN/m2 | sminn |
10 | Plant C | kgC/m2 | plantc |
11 | Plant N | kgN/m2 | plantn |
12 | Litter C | kgC/m2 | litrc |
13 | Litter N | kgN/m2 | litrn |
14 | Soil C | kgC/m2 | soilc |
15 | Soil N | kgN/m2 | soiln |
16 | Streamflow Nitrate | gN/m2/day | streamflow_NO3 |
17 | Streamflow | mm/day | streamflow |
18 | Denitrification | gN/m2/day | denitrif |
19 | Nitrification | gN/m2/day | nitrif |
20 | Dissolved Organic Carbon loss | gC/m2/day | DOC |
21 | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen loss | gN/m2/day | DON |
Hillslope Monthly
Hillslope Monthly Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Month | rhessys5.10.7 | ||
2 | Year | |||
3 | Hillslope ID | |||
4 | Streamflow | mm | streamflow | |
5 | Streamflow Nitrate | gN/m2/day | streamflow_N03 | |
6 | Denitrification | gN/m2/day | denitrif | |
7 | Dissolved Organic Carbon Loss | gC/m2/day | DOC | |
8 | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Loss | gN/m2/day | DON | |
9 | Evapotranspiration | mm/m2 | et | |
10 | Net Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | psn | |
11 | Leaf Area Index | m2/m2 | lai | |
12 | Nitrification | gN/m2 | nitrif | |
13 | Mineralized N | gN/m2 | mineralized | |
14 | Vegetation Uptake | gN/m2 | uptake |
Hillslope Yearly
Hillslope Yearly Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Year | rhessys5.10.7 | ||
2 | Hillslope ID | |||
3 | Streamflow | mm | streamflow | |
4 | Nitrate to Stream | gN/m2 | streamflow_N03 | |
5 | Denitrification | gN/m2 | denitrif | |
6 | Dissolved Organic Carbon loss | gC/m2 | DOC | |
7 | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen loss | gN/m2 | DON | |
8 | Evapotranspiration | mm/m2 | et | |
9 | Net Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | psn | |
10 | Mineralized N | gN/m2 | mineralized | |
11 | Vegetation Uptake | gN/m2 | uptake |
Zone Daily
Zone Monthly
Patch Daily
Patch Daily Growth
Patch Monthly
Patch Yearly
Patch Yearly Growth
Stratum Daily
Stratum Daily Growth
Stratum Monthly
Stratum Yearly
Stratum Yearly Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version |
1 | Year | ||
2 | Basin ID | ||
3 | Hillslope ID | ||
4 | Zone ID | ||
5 | Patch ID | ||
6 | Stratum ID | ||
7 | Net Photosynthesis | kgC/m2 | psn |
8 | Mean Leaf Water Potential | mPa | lwp |