Output Files

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Basin Daily

Basin Daily Output File Column Contents Units RHESSys Output Abbreviation included as of version
1 Day
2 Month
3 Year
4 Basin ID
5 Rain Throughfall mm pot_surface_infil
6 Snow Throughfall mm snow_thr
7 Saturation Deficit-depth mm of depth sat_def_z
8 Saturation Deficit-volume mm of water sat_def
8 Rooting Zone Storage mm of water rz_storage
9 Unsaturated Storage mm unsat_stor
10 Unsaturated Drainage mm unsat_drain
11 Capillary Rise mm cap
12 Evaporation mm evap
13 Snowpack Depth mm snow
14 Transpiration mm trans
15 Baseflow mm baseflow
20 Return Flow mm return
17 Total Stream Outflow mm streamflow
18 Net Photosynthesis kgC/m2 psn
19 Leaf Area Index m2/m2 lai
20 Groundwater Output mm gw.Qout
21 Groundwater Nitrate Output mm gw.Nout
22 Groundwater Store mm gw.storage rhessys5.10.5
23 Groundwater Nitrate Store mm gw.NO3 rhessys5.10.5
24 Detention Store mm detention_store rhessys5.10.10
25 Percent Saturated Area m2/m2 %sat_area rhessys5.10.10
26 Litter Store m2/m2 litter_store rhessys5.10.12
27 Percent Snow Cover m2/m2 %snow_cover rhessys5.10.12

Basin Daily Growth

Basin Daily Growth Output File Column Contents Units RHESSys Output Abbreviation included as of version
1 Day
2 Month
3 Year
4 Basin ID
5 Gross Photosynthesis gC/m2 gpsn
6 Plant Maintenance Respiration mC/m2 plant_resp
7 Soil Respiration gC/m2/day soil_resp rhessys5.10.11
8 Nitrate N gN/m2 nitrate
9 Mineralized N gN/m2 sminn
10 Plant C kgC/m2 plantc
11 Plant N kgN/m2 plantn
12 Litter C kgC/m2 litrc
13 Litter N kgN/m2 litrn
14 Soil C kgC/m2 soilc
15 Soil N kgN/m2 soiln
16 Streamflow Nitrate gN/m2/day streamflow_NO3
17 Denitrification gN/m2/day denitrif
18 Nitrification gN/m2/day nitrif
19 Dissolved Organic Carbon loss gC/m2/day DOC
20 Dissolved Organic Nitrogen loss gN/m2/day DON

Basin Monthly

Basin Yearly

Basin Yearly Growth

Hillslope Daily

Hillslope Daily Growth

Hillslope Monthly

Hillslope Yearly

Zone Daily

Zone Monthly

Patch Daily

Patch Daily Growth

Patch Monthly

Patch Yearly

Patch Yearly Growth

Stratum Daily

Stratum Daily Growth

Stratum Monthly

Stratum Yearly