Output Files
From Rhessys
- 1 Basin Daily
- 2 Basin Daily Growth
- 3 Basin Monthly
- 4 Basin Yearly
- 5 Basin Yearly Growth
- 6 Hillslope Daily
- 7 Hillslope Daily Growth
- 8 Hillslope Monthly
- 9 Hillslope Yearly
- 10 Zone Daily
- 11 Zone Monthly
- 12 Patch Daily
- 13 Patch Daily Growth
- 14 Patch Monthly
- 15 Patch Yearly
- 16 Patch Yearly Growth
- 17 Stratum Daily
- 18 Stratum Daily Growth
- 19 Stratum Monthly
- 20 Stratum Yearly
Basin Daily
Basin Daily Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Day | |||
2 | Month | |||
3 | Year | |||
4 | Basin ID | |||
5 | Rain Throughfall | mm | pot_surface_infil | |
6 | Snow Throughfall | mm | snow_thr | |
7 | Saturation Deficit-depth | mm of depth | sat_def_z | |
8 | Saturation Deficit-volume | mm of water | sat_def | |
8 | Rooting Zone Storage | mm of water | rz_storage | |
9 | Unsaturated Storage | mm | unsat_stor | |
10 | Unsaturated Drainage | mm | unsat_drain | |
11 | Capillary Rise | mm | cap | |
12 | Evaporation | mm | evap | |
13 | Snowpack Depth | mm | snow | |
14 | Transpiration | mm | trans | |
15 | Baseflow | mm | baseflow | |
20 | Return Flow | mm | return | |
17 | Total Stream Outflow | mm | streamflow | |
18 | Net Photosynthesis | kgC/m2 | psn | |
19 | Leaf Area Index | m2/m2 | lai | |
20 | Groundwater Output | mm | gw.Qout | |
21 | Groundwater Nitrate Output | mm | gw.Nout | |
22 | Groundwater Store | mm | gw.storage | rhessys5.10.5 |
23 | Groundwater Nitrate Store | mm | gw.NO3 | rhessys5.10.5 |
24 | Detention Store | mm | detention_store | rhessys5.10.10 |
25 | Percent Saturated Area | m2/m2 | %sat_area | rhessys5.10.10 |
26 | Litter Store | m2/m2 | litter_store | rhessys5.10.12 |
27 | Percent Snow Cover | m2/m2 | %snow_cover | rhessys5.10.12 |
Basin Daily Growth
Basin Daily Growth Output File Column Contents | Units | RHESSys Output Abbreviation | included as of version | |
1 | Day | |||
2 | Month | |||
3 | Year | |||
4 | Basin ID | |||
5 | Gross Photosynthesis | gC/m2 | gpsn | |
6 | Plant Maintenance Respiration | mC/m2 | plant_resp | |
7 | Soil Respiration | gC/m2/day | soil_resp | rhessys5.10.11 |
8 | Nitrate N | gN/m2 | nitrate | |
9 | Mineralized N | gN/m2 | sminn | |
10 | Plant C | kgC/m2 | plantc | |
11 | Plant N | kgN/m2 | plantn | |
12 | Litter C | kgC/m2 | litrc | |
13 | Litter N | kgN/m2 | litrn | |
14 | Soil C | kgC/m2 | soilc | |
15 | Soil N | kgN/m2 | soiln | |
16 | Streamflow Nitrate | gN/m2/day | streamflow_NO3 | |
17 | Denitrification | gN/m2/day | denitrif | |
18 | Nitrification | gN/m2/day | nitrif | |
19 | Dissolved Organic Carbon loss | gC/m2/day | DOC | |
20 | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen loss | gN/m2/day | DON |