From Rhessys
Jump to navigationJump to searchVariable Name | Description | Units |
patch_default_ID | Identifier used by patch objects to indicate their patch default files | unique value for each default file |
theta_psi_curve | Choice of theta-psi curve | 1 or 2 |
Ksat_0 | Saturated hydraulic conductivity at surface | metres/day |
m | Decay of saturated hydraulic conductivity with saturation deficit | 1/ (metre of water) |
porosity_0 | Porosity at soil surface | range (0 - 1) |
porosity_decay | Porosity scaling parameter with depth - porosity decays as | 1/metre |
p3 | Van.G. parameter - should be renamed - only used if theta_psi_curve is 2; | dimensionless |
pore_size_index | Soil pore size index | dimensionless |
psi_air_entry | Soil air entry pressure | metres of water |
psi_max | Maximum soil water tension, psi, >psi_air_entry | metres of water |
soil_depth | Maximum soil depth | metres |
m_z | Decay of saturated conductivity with actual soil depth. If porosity does not scale with depth then m_z should be m/porosity_0 | 1/metres |
detention_store_size | Surface detention storage capacity | metres of water |
deltaZ | Soil depth over which soil heat flux is computed - use 0 to ignore heat flux model | metres |
active_zone_z | Active zone for potential exfiltration calculations - a large number will cause saturation deficit to be used | metres |
maximum_snow_energy_deficit | Maximum degree day energy deficit accumulation for snowpack | º C days |
snow_water_capacity | Snowpack water holding capacity | metres of water |
snow_light_ext_coef | Radiation extinction coefficient through the snowpack - a high value will assume complete radiation absorption by snowpack | dimensionless |
snow_melt_Tcoef | Temperature melt coefficient | metres of water / º C |
max_heat_capacity | Maximum soil heat capacity - 0 will ignore heat flux model | J/m3/º K |
min_heat_capacity | Minimum soil heat capacity - 0 will ignore heat flux model | J/m3/º K |
albedo | Soil albedo | range (0 - 1) |
mobile_N_proportion | The proportion of available N that can be leached i.e. % nitrate N that is temorary and should be replaced | range (0 - 1) |
N_decay_rate | The decay rate of nitrogen throughout the profile | kg N/m |
sand | Fraction of the soil that is sand, where sand + clay + silt must equal 1 | range (0 - 1) |
clay | Fraction of the soil that is clay, where sand + clay + silt must equal 1 | range (0 - 1) |
silt | Fraction of the soil that is silt, where sand + clay + silt must equal 1 | range (0 - 1) |