Difference between revisions of "Zones"

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(New page: {| class="wikitable" border="1" |- ! Variable Name ! Description ! Units |- | zone_default_ID | Unique identifier used by zone objects to indicate zone default | unique value for each ...)
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{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| {{table}}
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Variable Name'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Description'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Units'''
! Variable Name
| landuse_default_ID||Identifier used by land use objects to indicate their land use default files||unique value for each default file
! Description
! Units
| zone_default_ID
| irrigation||Irrigation application rate||m/m2/year
| Unique identifier used by zone objects to indicate zone default
| unique value for each default file
| atm_trans_lapse_rate
| fertilizer_NO3||Fertilizer input rate as NO3||kg/m2/year
| Lapse rate of atmospheric transmissivity with elevation
| 1/metre
| dewpoint_lapse_rate
| fertilizer_NH4||Fertilizer input rate as NH4||kg/m2/year
| Lapse rate of dewpoint with elevation
| º C /metre
| max_effective_laid
| septic_NO3_load||Septic tank NO3 load||kg/m2/year
| Maximum effective lai to be used with lai temperature adjustment
| metres/metres
| lapse_rate
| septic_water_load||Septic tank water load||m/m2/year
| Temperature lapse rate with elevation
| º C /metre
| pptmin
| detention_store_size||Detention pond storage size||
| Minimum precipitation to intiate cloud cover
| metres
| sea_level_clear_sky_trans
| Sea level clear sky transmissivity
| range (0 - 1)
| temcf
| Daylight average temperature coefficient
| dimensionless (0.212 if sine from assumed)
| trans_coeff1
| Coefficients used in calculation of atm. transmissivity adjustment
| dimensionless
| trans_coeff2
| Coefficients used in calculation of atm. transmissivity adjustment
| dimensionless
| wind
| Wind speed
| metres / s
| max_snow_temp
| Maximum temperature at which precip falls as snow
| º C
| min_rain_temp
| Minimum temperature at which precip falls as rain
| º C

Revision as of 15:55, 12 October 2009

Variable Name Description Units
landuse_default_ID Identifier used by land use objects to indicate their land use default files unique value for each default file
irrigation Irrigation application rate m/m2/year
fertilizer_NO3 Fertilizer input rate as NO3 kg/m2/year
fertilizer_NH4 Fertilizer input rate as NH4 kg/m2/year
septic_NO3_load Septic tank NO3 load kg/m2/year
septic_water_load Septic tank water load m/m2/year
detention_store_size Detention pond storage size