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(New page: {| {{table}} | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''ariable Name''' | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Description''' | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''...)
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{| {{table}}
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''ariable Name'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Variable Name'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Description'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Description'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Units'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Units'''

Revision as of 15:53, 12 October 2009

Variable Name Description Units
stratum_default_ID Identifier used by stratum objects to indicate their stratum default files unique value for each default file
epc.veg_type Vegetation type TREE or GRASS
K_absorptance Direct radiation absorption coefficient range (0 - 1)
K_reflectance Direct radiation reflection coefficient i.e albedo range (0 - 1)
K_transmittance Direct radiation transmittance coefficient range (0 - 1)
PAR_absorptance PAR radiation absorption coefficient range (0 - 1)
PAR_reflectance PAR radiation reflection coefficient i.e albedo range (0 - 1)
PAR_transmittance PAR radiation transmittance coefficient range (0 - 1)
epc.ext_coef Canopy light extinction coefficient range (0-1)
specific_rain_capacity Intercepted rain storage capacity per pai metres / LAI
specific_snow_capacity Intercepted snow storage capacity per pai metres / LAI
wind_attenuation_coef Wind speed attenuation through canopy (exponential decay) 1/metres
ustar_overu If u*/u ratio is available for aerodynamic conductance computation the use; otherwise set to -999.9 (metres/s) / (metres/s)
mrc.q10 Q10 for maintenance respiration dimensionless
mrc.per_N Maintainance respiration per unit nitrogen Kg C / kg N / day
epc.gr_perc Percent of new carbon allocation that is lost to growth respiration range (0 - 1)
lai_stomatal_fraction Stomatal fraction range (0 - 1)
epc.flnr Ration Leaf nitrogen in Rubisco to leaf nitrogen Kg / kg
epc.ppfd_coef Shape parameter for APAR / conductance hyperbola curve s/metres2/micromol
epc.topt Optimum air temperature for stomatal conductance º C
epc.tmax Maximum air temperature for stomatal conductance º C
epc.tcoef Coefficient of temperature curve for stomatal conductance dimensionless
epc.psi_open Leaf water potential for full stomatal conductance Mpa
epc.psi_close Leaf water potential for complete stomatal closure Mpa
epc.vpd_open Vapour pressure deficit for full stomatal conductance Pa
epc.vpd_close Vapour pressure deficit for complete stomatal closure Pa
epc.gl_smax Maximum stomatal conductance metres / s
epc.gl_c Leaf-scale cuticular conductance metres/ s
gsurf_slope Slope of nonvascular conductance vs storage curve - use 0 for vascular strata dimensionless
gsurf_intercept Intercept for nonvascular conductance vs storage curve - dimensionless
epc.phenology_flag Phenology flag (currently must be static, not modelled) STATIC or DYNAMIC
epc.phenology_type Phenology type EVERGREEN or DECIDUOUS
epc.max_lai Maximum leaf area meters2 / kg C
epc.proj_sla Specific leaf area meters2 / kg C
epc.lai_ratio All-sided LAI / one-sided LAI ratio dimensionless
epc.proj_swa Specific wood area (i.e pai per kg C of stem biomass) 1/kg C
epc.leaf_turnover Annual leaf turnover fraction range (0-1)
epc.day_leafon Start of growing season range(1-365)
epc.day_leafoff Beginning of leaf drop range(1-365)
epc.ndays_expand Number of days for leaf out period # days
epc.ndays_litfall Number of days for litterfall perio # days
epc.leaf_cn Carbon:nitrogen ratio of leaves Kg C / kg N
epc.leaflitr_cn Carbon:nitrogen ratio of leaf litter after translocation Kg C / kg N
min_heat_capacity Maximum stratum heat capacity - 0 will ignore heat flux model J/m3/ºK
max_heat_capacity Minimum stratum heat capacity - 0 will ignore heat flux model J/m3/ ºK
epc.allocation_flag Allocation flag (if static, canopy will not grow, as if using V 4.6) STATIC or DYNAMIC
epc.storage_transfer_prop Amount of this year\'s annual allocation to be used - value < 1.0 will maintain a carbon store for use in bad years range (0-1)
epc.froot _turnover Annual fine root turnover fraction (percent carbon per year) range (0-1)