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34. Tague, C. 2008. Modeling hydrologic controls on denitrification: sensitivity to parameter uncertainty and landscape representation. Biogeochemistry

33. Groffman, P., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Fulweiler, RW., Gold, AJ., Morse, JL., Stander, EK., Tague, C., Tonitto, C., Vidon, P. 2008. Challenges to incorporating spatially and temporally explicit phenomena (hotspots and hot moments) in denitrification models. Biogeochemistry

32. Tague, C., Valentine, S., Kotchen, M. The effect of channel restoration on streamflow and groundwater dynamics in a snowmelt dominated watershed. Water Resources Research 44

31. Tague, C., Seaby, L., and Hope, A. 2008. Modeling the eco-hydrolgic response of a Mediterranean type ecosystem to the combined impacts of projected climate change and altered fire frequencies. Climatic Change

30. Jefferson, A., Nolin, A., Lewis, S., and Tague., C. 2008. Hydrogeologic controls on streamflow sensitivity to climate variation“, Hydrological Processes

29. Tague, C., and Pohl, M. 2008. The Potential Utility of Physically based Hydrologic Modeling in Ungaged Urban Streams. Annals of Association of American Geographers

28. Christensen, L, Tague, C and Baron, J. 2008. Spatial patterns of simulated transpiration response to climate variability in a snow dominated mountain ecosystems. Hydrological Processes, 9999:9999, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6961

27. Lookingbill, T.R., Gardner, R.H., Wainger, L.A., Tague, C.L. 2008. Ecological models:Landscape Modelling”, Encyclopedia of Ecology, S.E.Jorgensen (ed), Elsevier, Netherlands, ISBN: 0-444-52033-3

26. Tague, C., Farrell, M., Grant, G. Choate, J., Jefferson A. 2008. Deep groundwater mediates streamflow response to climate warming in the Oregon Cascades. Climatic Change, 86:189-210,DOI 10.1007/s10584-007-9294-8

25. Hope, A.S., Tague, C., and Clark, R.E. 2007. Characterizing Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery of California Chaparral Using TM/ETM+ Time-Series Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing

24. Sanford SE, Creed IF, Tague CL, Beall FD, Buttle J.M. 2007. Scale-dependence of natural variability of flow regimes in a forested landscape. Water Resources Research. 43:8 W08414

23. Tague, C., Farrell, M., Grant, G. 2007. Hydrogeologic controls on summer stream temperatures in the McKenzie River basin, Oregon. Hydrological Processes, 21:24, 3288-3300, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6538

22. Comer, K., Tague, C.L.,Alberts, A. Franklin, J. 2006. Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat on the U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: A comparison of habitat suitability index models”, Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 5:2, 175-187

21. Tague, C. 2006. Heterogeneity in hydrologic processes: A terrestrial hydrologic modeling perspective. Ecosystem Function in Heterogeneous Landscapes, Lovett, G. M., Jones, C. G , Turner, M. G. and Weathers, K. C. (eds), Springer-Verlag, NY

20. Tague, C., Band, L. Franklin, J. 2006. Terrestrial Ecosystems. Encyclopedia of Hydrologic Science, Anderson, M. (eds), Wiley, Bristol, UK.

19. Tenebaum, D., Band, L., Kenworthy, S. and Tague, C. 2006. Analysis of Soil Moisture Patterns in Forested and Suburban Catchments Using High-Resolution Photogrammetric and LIDAR Digital Elevation Datasets. Hydrological Processes, 20:2, 219-240

18. Zierl, B., Bugmann, H. and Tague, C. 2006. Water and carbon fluxes of European ecosystems: An evaluation of the ecohydrological model RHESSys. Hydrological Processes, 12, DOI:10.1002/hyp.6540

17. Band, L.E., and Tague, C. 2005. Feedbacks and Coupling between Water, Carbon and Nutrient Cycling at the Hillslope Scale. Coupled Models for the Hydrological Cycle- Integrating Atmosphere, Biosphere, and Pedosphere, Bronstert, A., Carrera, J., Kabat, P., and Lütkemeier, S. (eds.) Springer

16. Mitchell, S. W., Csillag, F., Tague, C. 2005. Impacts of spatial model definition on prediction uncertainty of spatial environmental models: grassland productivity in Grasslands National Park Canada. Transactions in GIS, 9(3), doi:10.1111/j.1467-9671.2005.00225.x

15. Swinarski, R, Tague, C., Barahs, G. 2005. Vector quantization and rough set method in modeling of spatial geographical systems. Proceedings of the 2005 World Congress in Applied Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 20-23, 2005

14. Tague, C. and Band, L. 2004. RHESSys: Regional Hydro-ecologic simulation system: An object-oriented approach to spatially distributed modeling of carbon, water and nutrient cycling. Earth Interactions, 8:19, 1-42

13. Tague, C.L, and Grant, G. 2004. A geological framework for interpreting the low flow regimes of Cascade streams, Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Water Resources Research, 40, W04303, doi:10.1029/2003WR00262

12. Tague, C., McMichael, C., Hope, A., Choate, J., Clark, R. 2004. Application of the RHESSys model to a California semi-arid shrubland watershed. Journal of American Water Resources, 40(3), 575-589

11. Hope, A., Tague, C., McMichael, C., Anaya, M., Choate, J. 2003. Uncertainty in modelling streamflow in semiarid shrublands: implications for predicting the effects of landcover change. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resource Management, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 22-24 January 2003

10. Benda, L., Poff, L.N, Tague, C., Palmer, M.A., Pizzuto, J., Bockstael, Cooper, S., Stanley, E., Moglen, G. 2002. Avoiding train wrecks in the use of science in environmental problem solving. Bioscience, 52(12), 1127-1136

9. Mitchel, S., Csillag, F. Tague, C. 2002. Advantages of open-source GIS to improve spatial environmental modeling. Proceedings of the Open source GIS - GRASS users conference 2002 - Trento, Italy, 11-13 September 2002.

8. Band, L.E., Tague, C.L., Groffman, P. 2001. Forest ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Hydrological and ecological controls of nitrogen export. Hydrologic Processes, 15, 2013-2028

7. Tague, C. L., Band, L.E. 2001. Evaluating Explicit and Implicit Routing for Catchment Scale Models of Forest Hydrology. Hydrologic Processes, 15, 1415-1439

6. Tague, C.L. and Band, L.E. 2001. Simulating the impact of road construction and forest harvesting on hydrologic response using RHESSys. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26(2), 135-151

5. Band, L.E., Tague, C.L., Brun, S.E., Tenenbaum, D.E., Fernandes, R.A. 2000. Modeling watersheds as spatial object hierarchies: Structure and Dynamics. Transactions in GIS, 9(3), 181-196

4. Walko, R.L., Band, L.E., Baron, J., Kittel, T.G., Kittel, F., Lammers, R., Lee, T., Ojima, D., Pielke, R.A., Taylor, C., Tague, C., Tremback, C.J., Vidale, P.L. 2000. Coupled Atmosphere-Biophysics-Hydrology Models for Environmental Modeling. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 39, 931-944

3. Biggs, B., J.B. Robinson, C. Tague, M. Walsh. 1999. Tools for Linking Choices and Consequences. Sustainability Issues and Choices in the Lower Fraser Basin: Resolving the Dissonance, M. Healey (ed), Institute for Resources and the Environments, Westwater Research, Vancouver, Canada: 237-262

2. Hartman, M., Baron, J., Lammers, R., Cline, B., Band, L., Tague.C. 1999. Simulations of snow distribution and hydrology in a mountain basin. Water Resources Research 35(5), 1587-1603

1. Lammers, R., Band, L., and Tague, C. 1997. Scaling behaviour in watershed processes. Scaling–up, P.vanGardingen, G.Foody and P. Curran (eds.) Cambridge University Press