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Line 37: Line 37:
| daytime_rain_duration||duration of rainfall||hours
| daytime_rain_duration||duration of rainfall||hours
| LAI_scalar||\"zone and seasonal scaling of LAI
| LAI_scalar||zone and seasonal scaling of LAI
| - only applied to stratum of non-zero height\"||Unitless
| - only applied to stratum of non-zero height\"||Unitless

Revision as of 20:43, 17 October 2009

Climate inputs are linked to particular zones by the climate station ID affiliated with that zone. A single climate station (or base station) will typically serve multiple zones within the landscape. Each base station is described by a base station file.

Example Base Station File:

101 base_station_id
100.0 x_coordinate
100.0 y_coordinate
22.9 z_coordinate
2.0 effective_lai
22.9 screen_height
clim\rbw_prime_annual annual_climate_prefix
0 number_non_critical_annual_sequences
clim\rbw_prime_monthly monthly_climate_prefix
0 number_non_critical_monthly_sequences
clim\rbw daily_climate_prefix
clim\rbw_prime_hourly hourly_climate_prefix
0 number_non_critical_hourly_sequences
Climate Input Sequence Name / File Extension Description Units
rain precipitation (rain + snow)* required meters
tmin minimum daily temperature* required °C
tmax maximum daily temperature* required °C
dayl day length seconds
daytime_rain_duration duration of rainfall hours
LAI_scalar zone and seasonal scaling of LAI
- only applied to stratum of non-zero height\" Unitless
Ldown incoming longwave radiation KJ / (meters2)/day
Kdown_direct incoming direct shortwave radiation KJ / (meters2)/day
Kdown_diffuse incoming diffuse shortwave radiation KJ / (meters2)/day
ndep_NO3 nitrogen deposition as NO3 kg / (meters2)/day
ndep_NH4 nitrogen deposition as NH4 kg / (meters2) /day
PAR_direct incoming direct PAR radiation KJ / (meters2)/day
PAR_diffuse incoming diffuse PAR radiation KJ / (meters2)/day
relative_humidity Relative Humidity Range (0-1)
tday Mean Daytime Temperature °C
tnightmax Night time temperature at sundown (used for soil heat flux) °C
tsoil Soil temperature °C
vpd Vapour pressure deficit Pa
wind Wind speed meters/ sec.
CO2 Carbon Dioxide parts per million/year

All possible base station filenames must be listed in the worldfile header, as described in the discussion of GRASS2WORLD below.