In stream routing
Purpose: The streamtable is only necessary if stream routing is going to be incorporated into the model.
Approach: The streamtable describes connectivity between reaches within the stream. A GRASS interface program (cst) generates the streamtable from the set of images that describe the stream, DEM and landscape partitioning. The cst program describes each reach's cross section, upstream and downstream reaches and lateral patches, which are used to model stream routing. The cst program uses GRASS raster images to create the streamtable.
To create the streamable:
Start GRASS.
At the GRASS prompt, type the command:
grass> cst output=<output_filename> stream=<stream_raster> dem=<dem_raster> patch=<patch_raster> zone=<zone_raster> hill=<hillslope_raster> [basin=<>][ManningsN=<>][streamTopWidth=<>][streamBottomWith=<>][streamDepth=<>][maxPasses=<>]
Fill in the name of the appropriate raster map within the brackets. The resultant streamtable output file (<output_filename>) will be written to your working directory. By convention, streamtables should start with the prefix stream, appended with a name to identify it's purpose, such as the name of the study area, ie. stream.w8. Move the streamtable to the flowtables directory.
Streamtable structure: The first line will consist of one number, which lists the number of reaches in the stream representation. The streamtable format lists the reach ID, bottom width, top width, max height, slope, Manning, length, Numbers of adjacent patches, patch, zone, and hill ID's for the adjacent patches which the lateral flow comes from, number of upstream reaches, reach ID of upstream reaches, number of downstream reaches and reach ID of downstream reaches.
RHESSys command line format: add the -str command line option to the RHESSys command line to invoke stream routing.
add the -stro command line option to the RHESSys command line for stream routing output. If the -stro option is used without a stream reach ID, then all reaches will be output. For output on a particular reach, include the reach ID, i.e.: -stro ###
New Output Variable: In the basin daily output file, new variable routedstreamflow.
If the -str option was included on the command line, the variable routedstreamflow will contain the streamflow (mm) in the outlet of the basin after routing. If the -str option was not included, the output variable routedstreamflow will contain zero's.
If the -stro option was included on the command line, a new stream routing output file will be generated, streamrouting_daily. This file will contain the following contents:
day, month, year, reachID, routedstreamflow (m3/s)