How to get RHESSys

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Getting the RHESSys source code

The source for RHESSys and various tools for use with RHESSys is hosted on sourceforge and accessible via anonymous subversion access.

The latest stable release can be checked out at:

$> svn co -r 318

(the -r ### will download the latest RHESSys version deemed stable)

For the latest development version, check out (this will download the most recent RHESSys version that was checked in and may still be undergoing bug fixes)

$> svn co

When the download completes, a message will print to the screen "Checked out revision XXX". Take note of this revision number. A directory called 'trunk' will have been downloaded containing all the RHESSys code directories/files. It may be useful to append the revision number to the directory trunk, i.e. trunkXXX. Also, after compiling RHESSys, if the revision number is not already contained in the executable name, it may be useful to include it, i.e. rhessys5.15.rXXX